PID No. 105554
Project Name LOR SR 0002 01.51
The following Ordinance enacted by the City of Vermilion of Lorain County, Ohio, hereinafter referred to as the City, in the matter of the stated described project.
SECTION I - Project Description
WHEREAS, the State has identified the need for the described project:
Interchange Lighting Upgrades/Replacement on State Route 0002, SLM (01.51), at the Jerusalem Road interchange within the City of Vermilion of Lorain County which is the sole responsibility of the City of Vermilion.
Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in the calendar year of 2024.
NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City of Vermilion of Lorain County, Ohio.
SECTION II - Consent Statement
Being in the public interest, the City gives consent to the Director of Transportation to complete the above-described project.
SECTION III - Cooperation Statement
The City shall cooperate with the Director of Transportation in the above-described project as follows:
1)ODOT agrees to assume and bear one hundred percent (100%) of the preliminary
engineering costs, and environmental coordination costs.
2) The City agrees to assume and bear one hundred percent (100%) of the construction
and construction engineering costs for the SR 0002 and Jerusalem Road interchange
lighting inside the corporation limits of the city.
3) A preliminary cost estimate for the city share of this project is $373,122 for
construction costs and $37,312 for construction engineering (inspection).
SECTION IV – Utilities and Right-of-Way Statement
The City agrees to be responsible for all utility accommodation, relocation, and reimbursement and agrees that all such accommodations, relocations, and reimbursements shall comply with the current provisions of 23 CFR 645 and the ODOT Utilities Manual.
SECTION V - Maintenance
Upon completion of the described project, and unless otherwise agreed, the City shall: 1) Be
responsible for all lighting maintenance costs and electrical usage within the city corporation
limits at the SR 0002 & Jerusalem interchange as per signing the maintenance agreement with
SECTION VI - Authority to Sign
The mayor of said City of Vermilion is hereby empowered on behalf of the City of Vermilion to enter into contracts with the Director of Transportation necessary to complete the above-described project.
This Ordinance 2023-64 is hereby declared to be an emergency measure to expedite the highway project and to promote highway safety. Following appropriate legislative action, it shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval, otherwise it shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.